In continuous production since 1877, the iconic London brick has been used in the building of a almost a quarter of Englands housing stock. Its an astonishing legacy for a product that is still made in the same way as it was 140 years ago. Today, London Brick is produced primarily for the residential renovation, maintenance and improvement (RMI) market. The 23 styles and colours in its range are designed to match the 5 million homes built using London Brick as owners look to imorove and extend their homes.
In continuous production since 1877, the iconic London brick has been used in the building of a almost a quarter of Englands housing stock. Its an astonishing legacy for a product that is still made in the same way as it was 140 years ago. Today, London Brick is produced primarily for the residential renovation, maintenance and improvement (RMI) market. The 23 styles and colours in its range are designed to match the 5 million homes built using London Brick as owners look to imorove and extend their homes.
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In continuous production since 1877, the iconic London brick has been used in the building of a almost a quarter of Englands housing stock. Its an astonishing legacy for a product that is still made in the same way as it was 140 years ago. Today, London Brick is produced primarily for the residential renovation, maintenance and improvement (RMI) market. The 23 styles and colours in its range are designed to match the 5 million homes built using London Brick as owners look to imorove and extend their homes.